Scientific basis and content

We have developed the cody21 video teaching materials to make life easier for primary schools in an increasingly digital world and to bring digital education, computer science education and media literacy to primary school classes in a simple, high-quality, age-appropriate way suitable for the current curriculum.


The cody21 educational series for basic digital education in primary school and other educational institutions is based on three international standards and has been pedagogically and didactically optimised for primary school children in Grades 3 and 4.

- K-12 Computer Science Standards
- Digicomp 4
- DigComp 2.2 AT (2019)


Information on the curriculum can be found further down this page.

The scientific basis of the cody21 teaching series

CSTA - Computer Science Teachers Association is the US-American association of computer science teachers.

The CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, published in 2017, describe a core set of learning objectives that are intended to provide the foundation for a complete computer science curriculum and its implementation. The goals of the CSTA K-12 Standards are therefore:

  • Introduce all pupils from primary school onwards to the basic concepts of computer science.
  • Computer science education at secondary school level sufficient for the achievement of a qualification in computer science, mathematics or natural sciences.
  • To offer schools additional computer science courses that enable interested students to deepen their knowledge of computer science and prepare them for entry into a career or university degree.
  • To enable the availability of computer science education for all students, especially those belonging to underrepresented groups.

The K-12 standards form the structure of the cody21 teaching concept.

Source:, 2021


Digikomp 4 - the Austrian competence model for digital skills in primary schools

IT and media skills are key pillars for learning and participation in society. Digital literacy is one of the eight key competencies formulated by the European Union. The importance of IT and media skills for pupils of all ages is evident and is explicitly called for by the European Commission in its Digital Agenda.

For this reason, the then BMUKK set up a working group with experts from this field to develop a reference framework for digital skills. This should serve as a guide for schools, parents, teachers and pupils in Austria and ultimately lead to pupils in the 4th grade having these skills.

At the Austria-wide networking conference of elementary school IT@VS in October 2012 in Graz, it was agreed to adapt the existing competency model of the 8th grade for primary school and to create age-appropriate examples for primary school .

Source:, 2021


DigComp 2.2 AT (2019)

The DigComp 2.2 AT competence model is the Austrian version of the European
DigComp 2.1 reference framework and encompasses the field of digital competences of
citizens in the most general way possible. In comparison to the European reference framework
in English, the model adapted for Austria was
adapted for Austria was translated into German and expanded slightly, albeit in relevant
expanded in relevant places.


Digital imaging with the codys

Curriculum of the cody21 video teaching materials

We have carefully compiled and developed the curriculum of the cody21 video series for basic digital education so that the most important topics of the standards and competence models described above can be presented in an age-appropriate, colorful and motivating way for the students .

Below you can see the contents of the 16 cody21 episodes that correspond to the new curriculum from the 2023/24 school year.

Overview of cody21 topics and content

All cody21 programs only require a device (PC, laptop) with internet and a projector/smartboard/TV for presentation.
Please print out the worksheets from students in advance. The cody21 series consists of a total of 16 episodes:

Episodes 1-8 Digital Basics: for students in 3rd-4th grade who have not seen any cody21 videos in the last school year.

1. How Computers Work
Topics: How do computers work? Where can computers be found? Why can computers do what they do? And much more!
Field: Computer education

2. Internet Yes, but Safe!
Topics: What information should I disclose about myself on the Internet? How do I create secure passwords? What is cyberbullying and what can be done about cyberbullying? And much more!
Field: Media education

3. Algorithms Are Cool!
Topics: What are algorithms? Where are algorithms in our everyday lives? How do you make them? And much more!
Field: Computer science education

4. Information on the Internet
Topics: How do the Internet and search engines work? Can I trust all the information on the Internet? And much more!
Field: Media education

5. Computer From the Inside
Topics: What parts does a computer consist of? What is hardware, what is software, what are they needed for? And much more!
Field: Media education

6. History of Computers
Topics: Since when have computers existed? How did computers develop? And much more!
Field: Computer literacy

7. Using Computers the Right Way!
Topics: How can I solve small problems myself? How do I deal with technical devices/computers? And much more!
Field: Computer education

8 Information is Power!
Topics: Where and how is data collected? What can you do with data? And much more!
Field: Media education


Sequences 9-16 continued: for pupils in 4th grade who have already completed the Digital Basics.

9. Fake news, Influencers & co.
Topics: Critically scrutinising information on the internet. What do influencers do and why? And much more!
Field: Media education

10. The language of the computer
Topics: How do programming languages work? Basic concepts of programming explained simply. And much more!
Field: Computer science education

11. The Fascinating World of Robots
Topics: What kind of robots are there and what can they be used for? An exciting cody episode with humanoid robots, industrial robots, and a robot that is supposed to tidy up the children's room...?

12. "0100110"? What do you mean?
Topics: Understanding the binary system. Why does the computer need it? "Translation exercises" and much more.
Field: Computer literacy

13. Careers in Information Technology
Topics: How have computers changed the world of work? In which professions is computer science needed everywhere? And much more!
Field: Computer science education

14. Technology Yes, and Sustainable!
Topics: Where do the raw materials for our technical devices come from? How do I use devices sustainably? And much more!
Field: Informatics education / media education

15. Artificial intelligence
Topics: What is artificial intelligence and how does it work? Interesting examples of the use of AI and much more.
Field: Informatics education / media education

16. The Whole World is Networked
Topics: What is a network? How is information (emails, Whatsapps) sent on the Internet? And much more!
Field: Informatics education / media education


Our aim during development was to make cody21 very easy to use for primary schools. Teachers can simply switch on the digital lesson and immediately join in. Handling the teaching materials is easy and intuitive for everyone.