Come to our teacher training with cody and about cody on one of the two ONLINE dates at the KPH Vienna/Krems. We look forward to welcoming teachers from all over Austria!
Title: Implementing computer science education & media education in VS (GSII) with cody21
Date winter semester: 6. 11. 2024, 14:30 - 16:45 ONLINE: Course no. of the training 7470000008 (3 UE)
Date summer semester: 26. 2. 2025, 14:30 - 16:45 ONLINE: Course no. of the training 7470000102 (3 UE)
The KPH Vienna/Krems has invited us to develop a training program for cody21 and on digital education in primary education.
We are very pleased to provide you and your colleagues from all over Austria with tips and tricks, experiences, background information and practical exercises with cody21 in this ONLINE teacher training course. The cody training is suitable for teachers who already have experience with cody as well as for teachers who have never used cody21 before.
This school year, you can complete the cody21 advanced training online on the following 2 dates, as a learning event of the KPH Vienna/Krems in cooperation with cody21.
Implementing computer science education & media education in VS (GSII) with cody21 (cooperation acodemy-KPH Vienna/Krems)
Wed., 06.11.2024, 14:30 - 16:45, online format, 3 UE:
The training event was a great success, 52 participants, many questions, much discussed.
Wed., 26.02.2025, 14:30 - 16:45, online format, 3 UE
7470.000.102 You can find information about this training course here: https://bildung.kphvie.ac.at/informatische-bildung-1-umsetzen-kooperation-284686-0-202425.html
Registration via the online form: https://kphvie.ac.at/institute/institut-fortbildung/nachmeldung.html
Also for teachers who are not yet familiar with cody but are interested in an easy way to provide great computer science and media education at primary level.
if you do not yet know cody21:
Get to know our presenters, Isabella and Alex, and the Cody robot family in advance. Here you can find the current trailer with scenes from the cody21 interactive video series. Just click on "Play" in the picture.
the acodemy team is proud of ...